lunes, 3 de febrero de 2020

Bloom's taxonomy

Blooms taxonomy is a tool for teacher, researchers and students to understand and encourage  high-order thinking process.

As shown in the illustration, it is composed of six levels where every step matters, and having learned the previous one is fundamental.

In short every step is as follows:

Knowledge: Consists of all information that we have gathered until that moment and can recall sucessfully.

Comprenhension: ability to assimilate the meaning of the information.

Application: Process of using previous information to resolve problems and concrete situations.

Analysis: Capability of taking apart big problems of situation into smaller pieces for an individual analysis and comprehension.

Synthesis: Process of forming new and creative ideas based on prior knowledge.

Evaluation: Consists of descomposing a material to judge it based on personal values/opinions to reach a conclusion and determine if the material fulfills its purpose.

Analytical thinking

There are 3 types of analythical thinking:

Deduction: Goes from a central idea to a particular case. Mostly used in Environmental and Mathematics fields as quantitative analysis.

Induction: Goes from many particular cases to form a main idea. Mostly used in Social science as qualitative analysis.

Abduction: The newest one of the three. In short, we know what we want to accomplish and the desired result, but without knowing how to do it.


What we know and don't know in each case:

Deduction:   What ---------How---------Result
Induction:     What---------How---------?????
Abduction:    What---------????---------Result


The purpose of this blog is to save all my taken notes in the subject of Cognitive Skills and Creativity. For the time being it will serve that purpose, however, as time passes, it will change depending on the stage and unit of the subject.