martes, 10 de marzo de 2020

Canvas for entrepreneurship

The canvas for entrepreneurship is a tool for designers to come up with ideas by analysing problems and possible solutions to a given situation.

The canvas is composed of 12 sections in which the situation is analyzed.

Problem and existing alternatives: In this section is important to analyse what are the customer needs and ask yourself what is the problem you are trying to solve. It is important to note that the user is not always the costumer.
On the other hand, knowing what the competitor are doing about the problem can help you develop a better insight of the situation.

Solution: The solution describes the minimum viable product in which case, describing the essential functions of the product is important.

Key metrics: These are all the parameters that will indicate you if you are moving in the right direction or if a change in the product is amended.

Unique value proposition and high level concept: In this section, include a brief description of your product that can catch your costumer attention and why your idea is worth to listen. For that, it should be short and easy to understand.

Unfair advantage: All elements present on your product that cannot be easily copied or replicated from the competition.

Channels: Here a list of all the paths that you will take to reach your costumer.

Customer segments & early adopters: Here are all the people who will use your product, basically the target market. Early adopters are the people who are more prone to take your product at the beginning.

Cost structure: A list of all services and materials that you will use when constructing the product, the list will not have every variable but the thinks that you know are indispensable.

Revenue streams: All of the ways for the project to make profits. They are prone to change as time passes.

The Lean Canvas | 3 Day Startup", [Online]. Available: [Accessed: 10- Mar- 2020].

Empathy Map

The empathy map is a useful tool for researchers and entrepreneurs to get a deeper insight of their customers. This tool can be applied to a single person to a even a whole community.

The map composes itself of:

Think & feel: Describes what the target perceives in his environment from the mental perspective.

Hear: Makes reference to what the people around the costumer say of the problem or product.

See: Explains what the user would perceive through his view when using the product or facing the problem.

Say & do: What the costumers action about the problem are, how would they change in private and public scenarios.

Pain: What are the user pains and fears about the problem or when using the product.

Gain: What problems or afflictions would the product solve to our costumer.

Bland, D. (2016). What Is an Empathy Map?. Retrieved 10 March 2020, from

domingo, 8 de marzo de 2020


Creativity a concept that has been related to the us since ancestral times, it is said that every human today on earth has the ability to create or invent something new or valuable.

In short words, creativity a process that people use to come with ideas or solutions for a given problem or situation. Of course the situations is not always something bad, for instance, some people are more versed in the study of arts or music, whereas others can be more creative in the way to analyse the world and perform better in the exact and natural sciences.

Finally, creativity is not the same as innovations, even though some people often confuse and mix the two togheter. Creativity means to create something new or valuable, whereas innovation is the creation of a positive impact for the society by creating or changing parts of it.

Innovation Concept

To describe the concept of innovation we have to definitions:

The first one states that innovation is the act of bring an impact in a society that can bring a positive change for it. This is mainly accomplish by inventing something to solve a problem of great concern or a change in the structure of the society into a more positive one.

On the other hand, innovation is also decribed as any invention that can generate inmense amounts of profit, seeing it from the business perspective.

Personally, I believe that the first concept is more appropriated when defining innovation, as making accessible a new piece of technology or service for the public that can bring a positive impact, means more to me as a memeber of society than the ability to make profit.