martes, 10 de marzo de 2020

Empathy Map

The empathy map is a useful tool for researchers and entrepreneurs to get a deeper insight of their customers. This tool can be applied to a single person to a even a whole community.

The map composes itself of:

Think & feel: Describes what the target perceives in his environment from the mental perspective.

Hear: Makes reference to what the people around the costumer say of the problem or product.

See: Explains what the user would perceive through his view when using the product or facing the problem.

Say & do: What the costumers action about the problem are, how would they change in private and public scenarios.

Pain: What are the user pains and fears about the problem or when using the product.

Gain: What problems or afflictions would the product solve to our costumer.

Bland, D. (2016). What Is an Empathy Map?. Retrieved 10 March 2020, from

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